SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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General/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals 2003B (8/9)

#1 - #50 #51 - #100 #101 - #150 #151 - #200 #201 - #250 #251 - #300 #301 - #350 #351 - #400 #401 - #420

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal No. Title of Experiment Project Leader Affiliation Country Beamline Shift
351 2003B0698-NL2a-np Imaging of calculus like material produced by Nanobacteria Hiromi Kumon Okayama University Japan BL47XU 6
352 2003B0700-NL3-np Observation of angiogenesis in metastatic and/or primary liver micro-malignant tumors Hironobu Nakamura Osaka University Japan BL20B2 12
353 2003B0701-ND1c-np Structural analysis of clathrate compounds of the Ba-Ge-Ga system Haruyuki Inui Kyoto University Japan BL02B2 3
354 2003B0706-NL1-np crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus hirikoshii Masaru Tanokura The University of Tokyo Japan BL38B1 3
355 2003B0710-NL1-np Determination of crystal structure of purpureotin, a novel platelet aggregation inhibitor from Malayan pit viper (Rhodostoma calloselasma) venom Masaru Tanokura The University of Tokyo Japan BL38B1 3
356 2003B0711-NL1-np Crystal structure analysis of the KIX domain of CREB-binding protein Masaru Tanokura The University of Tokyo Japan BL38B1 3
357 2003B0713-NL1-np crystal structure of human RNase III Masaru Tanokura The University of Tokyo Japan BL38B1 3
358 2003B0716-NL1-np X-ray crystallography of meta-cleavage enzyme, 2’-aminobiphenyl 2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase (CarB) from carbazole-degrader Pseudomonas resinovorans strain CA10 Hideaki Nojiri The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 3
359 2003B0717-NL2a-np Stopped -flow SAXS Studies on Calmodulin Molecular Recognition Processes Yoshinobu Izumi Yamagata University Japan BL45XU 3
360 2003B0718-NL3-np Overperfusion syndrome after ischemic re-perfusion and related vascular response Haruo Yamashita Kobe University Japan BL20B2 3
361 2003B0720-NSc-np Elemental magnetism of the Gd-Fe nanometals Ikuo Nakai Tottori University Japan BL39XU 21
362 2003B0725-ND1c-np Formation of nanocrystalline high-pressure phase of iron under femtosecond laser driven shock compression Tomokazu Sano Osaka University Japan BL13XU 6
363 2003B0726-NI-np Local Structure Analysis of GaN-based Alloy Semiconductors using XAFS Measurements Takao Miyajima Sony Corporation Japan BL01B1 6
364 2003B0727-ND1b-np Measurement of residual stress distribution in a microscopical area on Ti-6Al-4V alloy Yukitaka Murakami Kyushu University Japan BL09XU 6
365 2003B0729-ND3c-np Clarification of Origin on Si Surface nanotopography Structure using Plane Wave X-ray Topography at Togtal Reflection and GID Observation Yoshifumi Suzuki Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan BL20B2 6
366 2003B0732-NXb-np Construction of X-ray fluorescence analysis system using the high energy microbeam Yasuko Terada JASRI Japan BL37XU 24
367 2003B0733-NL3-np Evaluation of sample preparation for XRF imaging Naoto Yagi JASRI Japan BL37XU 15
368 2003B0734-ND1d-np Are forbidden reflections of a bulk crystal informative for structure determination of a crystal surface? Osami Sakata JASRI Japan BL13XU 15
369 2003B0735-ND1d-np Effect of thermal annealing on crystal perfection of NiO eptaxitial ultra-thin films Osami Sakata JASRI Japan BL13XU 9
370 2003B0736-ND1d-np Structure analysis of MgB2 thin films grown on a epitaxial buffer layer prepared using a low-temperature-growth method Shugo Kubo Shimane University Japan BL13XU 6
371 2003B0739-NI-np Study on polarmolecular orientation of rubbed polyimide film for Liquid Crystal Display Devices by Grazing Incidence X-ray scattering Ichiro Hirosawa JASRI Japan BL19B2 9
372 2003B0742-ND1a-np Visualization of the charge density distribution associated with the phase transition under high pressure in CeP Takahisa Shobu Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Japan BL02B1 12
373 2003B0743-ND3b-np Nuclear inelastic scattering study of solid and liquid Sn Shinya Hosokawa Philipps University of Marburg Germany BL35XU 9
374 2003B0744-ND3b-np Dynamics of Sn in Binary SnxPb1-x Liquids by Nuclear Inelastic Scattering Alfred Q Baron JASRI Japan BL35XU 12
375 2003B0745-NM-np Instrumentation Development at BL35 Half Wave Plate and First Tests of Multi-Analyzer Stage Alfred Q Baron JASRI Japan BL35XU 21
376 2003B0747-ND3c-np Improvement of Sensitivity to Microdefects by Using Week Beam X-ray Topography in Laue Geometry with Absorption Edge Filter Kentarou Kajiwara JASRI Japan BL28B2 6
377 2003B0750-NXa-np XAFS Study on Photomechanical Properties of One-Dimensional Rhodium Complexes Minoru Mitsumi Himeji Institute of Technology Japan BL01B1 12
378 2003B0752-ND2a-np Structure of porous coordination polymer complex crystals with physisorbed dioxygen molecules in the nanochannels under pressure Takafumi Adachi JASRI Japan BL10XU 3
379 2003B0755-ND3d-np A challenge to measure inelastic x-ray scattering spectra of supercritical water Daisuke Ishikawa RIKEN Japan BL35XU 3
380 2003B0756-NSb-np Study of multi-electron processes in the gaseous fluorine compounds ~ CF4 ~ Masaki Oura RIKEN Japan BL27SU 15
381 2003B0758-NXa-np Self-regeneration of perovskite-based automotive catalysts in the redox atmosphere II Yasuo Nishihata Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Japan BL28B2 18
382 2003B0760-NSa-np Electronic structure of diluted magnetic semiconductor Ga1-xGrxN using soft x-ray emission spectroscopy Yasutaka Takata RIKEN Japan BL27SU 12
383 2003B0761-ND3a-np Study on the Weak-Strong Polarized Phase Transition under Pressure in Ferromagnetic Superconductor UGe2 by Magnetic Compton Scattering Etsuji Yamamoto Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Japan BL08W 21
384 2003B0762-ND3a-np Two-dimensional Fermi Surface of Superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4 (x=0.15) Masayoshi Itou JASRI Japan BL08W 21
385 2003B0763-ND1d-np Imaging the Si(111)-7x7 by transmission surface x-ray diffraction Hiroo Tajiri JASRI Japan BL13XU 3
386 2003B0766-ND3d-np High Frequency dynamics of liquid sulfur at the polymerization transition Yoshinori Katayama Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Japan BL35XU 15
387 2003B0767-ND1b-np X-ray diffraction of Magnesium fullerides Mototada Kobayashi Himeji Institute of Technology Japan BL02B2 3
388 2003B0768-ND3a-np Investigation of anisotropic wave functions of magnetic electrons for the study on the spin coupling in CeSb (Aopproach from momentum distribution) Nobuhiko Sakai Himeji Institute of Technology Japan BL08W 15
389 2003B0769-ND2a-np Phase transition of LiH under ultra-high pressure Yasuo Ohishi JASRI Japan BL10XU 6
390 2003B0772-NSa-np Electronic state of K and Na clusters generated in zeolite SOD Yuka Ikemoto JASRI Japan BL27SU 6
391 2003B0773-NXb-np Fluorescent X-ray scanning microscopy of ascidian larva with sub-micrometer resolution (Function of metal ions in sensory cells) Motoyuki Tsuda Himeji Institute of Technology Japan BL37XU 6
392 2003B0775-ND1c-np Isotopic Quantum Effects in Water Shinji Kohara JASRI Japan BL08W 15
393 2003B0776-ND1c-np Structure of antimony borate glasses, and of amorphous antimony oxide Alex Charles Hannon ISIS Facility UK BL04B2 6
394 2003B0777-ND1c-np Short- and intermediate-range order in P-rich phosphorus-selenium glasses Eugene Bychkov Universite du Littoral France BL04B2 12
395 2003B0787-ND1c-np Real spatial global singularity in topological crystal Satoshi Tanda Hokkaido University Japan BL02B1 12
396 2003B0790-ND1b-np X-ray superstructure analysis of the 2kF charge density wave in organic two-dimensional compound β-BEDT-TTF2X Yoshio Nogami Okayama University Japan BL02B1 6
397 2003B0791-ND3b-np Measurement of the first stroboscopic order resonance in 181Ta Inge Katrien Serdons Institute voor Kern-en Stralingsfysica Belgium BL09XU 24
398 2003B0792-NL2b-np Structure and Dynamics of Hierarchic Supramolecules made of Sugar-appended Organogelat Kazuo Sakurai The University of Kitakyushu Japan BL40B2 6
399 2003B0797-NL2a-np Micro-beam Small-angle X-ray Scattering from Single Keratin Fibers Yoshiyuki Amemiya The University of Tokyo Japan BL40XU 9
400 2003B0944-UXa-np XAFS Analysis on Local Structure of Palladium Species Immobilized within Interlayer of Montmorillonite as a Highly Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst Kiyotomi Kaneda Osaka University Japan BL01B1 3