SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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General/Time-Designated Proposals 2004A (8/9)

S/N #1~#50 #51~#100 #101~#150 #151~#200 #201~#250 #251~#300 #301~#350 #351~#400 #401~#428

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal No. Title of Experiment Project Leader Affiliation Country BL Shifts
351 2004A0555-NL3-np Phase contrast imaging of wallaby neonate lungs Jane Carol Whitley Victorian Institute of Animal Science Australia BL20XU 9
352 2004A0556-NL3-np Phase contrast imaging of neonatal rabbit lungs Stuart Brian Hooper Monash University Australia BL20B2 9
353 2004A0557-NSc-np Mechanism of Soft X-ray Natural Circular Dichroism Kazumichi Nakagawa Kobe University Japan BL23SU 6
354 2004A0559-NSb-np Vibrationally resolved inner shell photoelectron spectroscopy on open shell molecules across shape resonances Alberto De Fanis JASRI Japan BL27SU 12
355 2004A0561-NSc-np Element-selective investigation of interlayer magnetic coupling of Al-Gd-Fe magnetic multilayer firms by means of XMCD. Nobuhiko Sakai University of Hyogo Japan BL39XU 12
356 2004A0566-ND1d-np Crystal structure analysis of barium titanate particles with nano-induced ultrahigh dielectric constants Masatomo Yashima Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL02B2 6
357 2004A0567-NM-np Development and evaluation of quarter-wave plates for high energy soft x-ray and polarization measurement of SR emitted from the figure-8 undulator Hiroaki Kimura JASRI Japan BL27SU 6
358 2004A0568-NM-np Perfect polarization measurements of SR emitted from twin helical undulator with use of soft x-ray multilayers 2 Hiroaki Kimura JASRI Japan BL25SU 6
359 2004A0572-NXa-np Self-regeneration of perovskite-based automotive catalysts in the redox atmosphere III Yasuo Nishihata JAERI Japan BL28B2 12
360 2004A0573-NXa-np XAFS study on the self-generation mechanism of perovskite catalysts for automotive emissions (II) Mari Uenishi Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. Japan BL01B1 12
361 2004A0577-NM-np Spectrometer upgrade: l meV and Multiple Analyzers Alfred Q Baron JASRI Japan BL35XU 90
362 2004A0578-ND2b-np Thermoelastic and solution behavior of garnet solid-solutions in the system pyrope-grossular at high pressures and temperature Michael J. Walter Okayama University Japan BL10XU 6
363 2004A0580-ND1d-np Study on Formation Processes of Ceramic Nanomaterials Motonari Adachi Kyoto University Japan BL45XU 3
364 2004A0582-ND3d-np Study of anomalous lattice vibrations in Ca doped YBCO Tatsuo Fukuda JAERI Japan BL35XU 18
365 2004A0583-NL2a-np X-ray diffraction of quick-frozen muscle fibers Hiroyuki Iwamoto JASRI Japan BL45XU 12
366 2004A0584-NL2a-np Michrodiffraction of rapidly frozen subnano-sized biological specimens using the high-flux beamline BL40XU Hiroyuki Iwamoto JASRI Japan BL40XU 18
367 2004A0585-NL2a-np Ultrahigh-speed time-resolved X-ray diffraction study of the contractile properties of skeletal muscle fibers with human mutated cardiac troponin. Hiroyuki Iwamoto JASRI Japan BL40XU 18
368 2004A0587-NI-np XAFS Analysis of Photocatalysis Available with Visible Light Hideki Okado Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Japan BL19B2 3
369 2004A0588-ND1a-np Resonant X-ray Scattering of UCu2Sn Satoshi Tsutsui JASRI Japan BL22XU 12
370 2004A0589-ND3b-np Inelastic Nuclear Resonant Scattering Study on the Relation between the Quadrupole Ordering and Anomalous Lattice Softening in a Filled-Skutterudite compound Satoshi Tsutsui JASRI Japan BL09XU 15
371 2004A0590-ND3d-np Phonon Dispersion Measurement on One-Dimensional System BaVS3. Yoshikazu Tanaka RIKEN Japan BL35XU 6
372 2004A0591-NM-np Mechanism of macrosegregation in the horizontally solidified castings Itsuo Ohnaka Osaka Sangyo University Japan BL20B2 9
373 2004A0594-NXb-np Detection and distribution analysis of trace of impurities in MgO single crystal Tohru Mitamura University of Hyogo Japan BL37XU 3
374 2004A0596-ND1c-np Structure of undercooled oxide melt studied by a combination of high-energy x-rays and levitation technique Shinji Kohara JASRI Japan BL04B2 12
375 2004A0597-ND1c-np Structure of nano-sized Manganese oxide Chun K Loong Argonne National Laboratory USA BL04B2 6
376 2004A0598-ND1c-np The structure of simple molecular liquids and some aqueous electrolyte solutions Laszlo Pusztai Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungary BL04B2 12
377 2004A0600-ND1c-np Amorphous structure of a novel series of RTMS studied by high energy X-ray diffraction Dongfeng Chen Laboratory for Neutron Scattering China BL04B2 12
378 2004A0601-ND1c-np Structure of the amorphous magnesium aluminosilicate produced from zeolite B Gopinathan Sankar The Royal Institution of GB UK BL04B2 9
379 2004A0602-ND2a-np Structure analysis of LiH under ultra-high pressure Yasuo Ohishi JASRI Japan BL10XU 6
380 2004A0603-ND2a-np Structural transition of in Si-based clathrates Jianzhong Jiang Zhejiang University P.R. China BL10XU 6
381 2004A0605-ND1b-np X-ray diffraction of K2CsC70 Mototada Kobayashi University of Hyogo Japan BL02B2 3
382 2004A0606-ND2a-np High-Pressure Structural Study of Clathrates with Controlled Dimensionality Katsumi Tanigaki Tohoku University Japan BL10XU 6
383 2004A0611-NL2a-np Dynamic study on water uptake into cell membrane complex in hair using micro X-ray beam Ichiro Hatta Fukui Prefectural University Japan BL40XU 9
384 2004A0612-NL2a-np Analysis of C-terminus position of F-actin using X-ray fiber diffraction Toshiro Oda RIKEN Japan BL40B2 6
385 2004A0613-NM-np High-resolution imaging of bulk sample using x-ray fluorescence and/or scattering x-ray imaging Akihisa Takeuchi JASRI Japan BL37XU 15
386 2004A0614-ND1b-np X-ray Powder Diffraction Study of TTTA under Photo Irradiation Shinobu Aoyagi Nagoya University Japan BL02B2 6
387 2004A0616-ND1d-np Strucutre of magnetic nanoparticles Christopher John Walker JASRI Japan BL13XU 6
388 2004A0617-NXa-np Speciation of tin in environment by Sn K-edge XAFS Yoshio Takahashi Hiroshima University Japan BL01B1 6
389 2004A0618-NM-np micro x-ray diffraction and dark field imaging of individual aerosols using an x-ray microprobe Shinjiro Hayakawa Hiroshima University Japan BL37XU 6
390 2004A0619-CD2b-np The study on formation process of iron compounds in a supercritical fluid under high P-T conditions in the Jovian planet’s interior. Hitoshi Yusa National Institute for Materials Science Japan BL10XU 12
391 2004A0623-NXb-np Direct analysis of biominerals accumulated in marine animals by using X-ray microbeam Izumi Nakai Tokyo University of Science Japan BL37XU 9
392 2004A0624-NXb-np µ-SR-XRF imaging of Cd in the cells of hyper-accumulator plants Izumi Nakai Tokyo University of Science Japan BL37XU 9
393 2004A0625-NXa-np Structure and Conformation of Two-Dimensional Metalloporphyrin Arrays at the Air/Water Interface Ian Ross Gentle The University of Queensland Australia BL39XU 12
394 2004A0627-ND1c-np Dopant atom location and phase transitions in high performance thermoelectric MxZn4-xSb3, M=Cd, Hg, Sn, Pb by anomalous powder diffraction Bo Brummerstedt Iversen University of Aarhus Denmark BL02B2 9
395 2004A0630-NL2a-np Micro-beam Small-angle X-ray Scattering from Single Keratin Fibers Yoshiyuki Amemiya The University of Tokyo Japan BL40XU 9
396 2004A0632-NXa-np EXAFS Characterization of the Mechanisms of Pb, As, Se Sorption and Surface Precipitation to Apatite Minerals Used in Permeable Reactive Barriers for Groundwater and Contaminant Plume Remediation Taylor Eighmy University of New Hampshire USA BL01B1 21
397 2004A0633-NSc-np Magneric properties of uranium compounds under pressure by the X-ray magnetic diffraction experiment Masahisa Ito Gunma University Japan BL39XU 15
398 2004A0634-ND3d-np IXS study of secondary modes in the high frequency dynamics of liquid Gallium. Tullio Scopigno Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" Italy BL35XU 24
399 2004A0773-UX-p Characterization of materials for fuel cells by X-ray analysis techniques with synchrotron orbital radiation (1) Hiroyuki Kageyama National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan BL01B1 3
400 2004A0774-NSa-np Far infrared spectroscopy of adsorbed molecules on the low temperature metal surface Taro Moriwaki JASRI Japan BL43IR 12