SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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NewSUBARU storage ring
11 m long undulator

For industrial use of the synchrotron radiation in the soft X-ray regime, the 1.5 GeV electron storage ring of "NewSUBARU" has been constructed in the SPring-8 site in 1998 and operated by LASTI (Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology for Industry), University of Hyogo through the cooperation of SPring-8. The ring is racetrack-type with the circumference of 119 m and has two 14 m and four 2.6 m straight sections. In the long straight sections the 11-m long undulator and an optical-klystron FEL have been installed.   The 1 GeV electron beam from the SPring-8 linac is injected into the NewSUBARU ring.

beam energy 1.0 - 1.5 GeV
circumference 118.731m
lattice DBA+Inverse Bending mag.
bending magnets
  radius of curvature
  magnetic field
3.2168 m
1.035 T (@1GeV)
inverse bending magnets
  radius of curvature
  magnetic field
-3.2168 m
1.035 T (@1GeV)
quadrupole magnets
bending cell
short straight section
long straight section
2 families (total 16)
2 families (total 24)
3 families (total 12)
length of straight section
short straight section
long straight section
2.6 m
14 m
beta functions
short straight section
long straight section
BM (0 deg.)
BM (10 deg.)
horizontal / vertical
8.61 m / 8.66 m
1.49 m / 8.05 m
3.32 m / 24.49 m
1.91 m / 26.88 m
short straight section
long straight section
BM (0 deg.)
BM (10 deg.)
horizontal / vertical
short straight section
long straight section
BM (0 deg.)
BM (10 deg.)
horizontal / vertical
0.12 m-1 / 0.12 m-1
0.67 m-1 / 0.12 m-1
0.48 m-1 / 0.34 m-1
0.54 m-1 / 0.50 m-1
short straight section
long straight section
BM (0 deg.)
BM (10 deg.)
0 m
0 m
0.03 m
0.16 m
betatron functions and dispersion (alpha=1.3E-3, user time)
betatron tune horizontal : 6.30 / vertical: 2.23
energy spread 0.04 % (@1.0GeV)
momentum compaction (alpha) 1.3x10-3 
chromaticity horizontal : 2.9 / vertical: 5.6
maximum stored current < 500 mA
natural emittance 37 nmrad (@1.0GeV)
coupling 1 %
revolution frequency / revolution time 2.53 MHz / 396 ns
RF frequency 499.955 MHz
harmonic number 198
maximum acceleration voltage 500 kV
radiation loss (per turn) 33.4 keV (@1GeV)
critical photon energy / wavelength 0.7 keV / 1.8nm (@1GeV)
lifetime 12 hrs (@1GeV, 100mA), 18 hrs (@1.5GeV, 100mA)
bunch length (sigma) (@1GeV) 33ps (normal user time), 2.4ps (Low alpha operation)
beam size (sigma)
short straight section
long straight section
BM (0 deg.)
BM (10 deg.)
horizontal / vertical (@1GeV)
5.6X10-4 m / 5.9X10-5 m
2.3X10-4 m / 5.7X10-5 m
1.8X10-4 m / 9.2X10-5 m
1.6X10-4 m / 8.5X10-5 m
angular divergence (sigma)
short straight section
long straight section
BM (0 deg.)
BM (10 deg.)
horizontal / vertical (@1GeV)
6.6X10-5 / 6.8X10-6
1.6X10-4 / 7.0X10-6
2.1X10-4 / 4.4X10-6
2.3X10-4 / 4.7X10-6
stability of the beam orbit horizontal : <50 micron, vertical : <<50 micron
vacuum pressure of the storage ring
with beam
without beam
10-8 Pa~10-6 Pa
10-9 Pa~10-8 Pa

Last modified 2016-02-25 14:04