SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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List of SPring-8 Research Proposals 2000B in the second half of 2000 (6/8)

#1 - #50 #51 - #100 #101 - #150 #151 - #200 #201 - #250 #251 - #300 #301 - #350 #351 - #383

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal Number Title of Experiment Project Leader Affiliation Country Beamline Shifts
251 2000B0397-NL -np Time resolved structure analysis of the second stage of topa-quinone biogensis in copper amine oxidase Hiroshi Yamaguchi Kwansei Gakuin University Japan BL41XU 3
252 2000B0398-ND -np Structure Formation of Rubber or PEN/PET Blend during Drawing by In-situ X-ray Diffraction/Scattering Method Syozo Murakami Kyoto University Japan BL40XU 6
253 2000B0399-ND -np X-ray study of the random phason strain in a decagonal Al-Ci-Co quasicrystal Yoshie Matsuo Nara Women's University Japan BL02B1 9
254 2000B0400-NM -np Generation of a Sub-micron X-ray Source and Its Application to In-line X-ray Holography Sadao Aoki University of Tsukuba Japan BL47XU 9
255 2000B0403-ND -np High-temperture structure in alkali-doped C60 compounds Yutaka Maniwa Tokyo Metropolitan University Japan BL02B2 6
256 2000B0404-ND -np In situ viscosity measurement of Fe-C melt under high temperature and pressure using two-step falling sphere method Takumi Kato University of Tsukuba Japan BL04B1 6
257 2000B0405-NOM -np Development of direct observation of porosity formation in Al alloys Itsuo Ohnaka Osaka University Japan BL20B2 6
258 2000B0408-NX -np Local structure around Gd atoms in amorphous Gd-Fe alloys Kazuo Yano Nihon University Japan BL01B1 6
259 2000B0409-NL -np Crystallographic analysis of Archaeal-type class-I Iysyl-tRNA synthetase Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 1
260 2000B0413-NL -np X-ray Crystallography of human DNA homologous recombination protein, Rad52 Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 1
261 2000B0414-CL -np X-ray crystallographic study of DNA primase from hyperthermophilic archaeon Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 3
262 2000B0415-CL -np X-ray Crystallography of Pyrococcus horikosill tRNA-guanine transglycsylase Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 1
263 2000B0416-CL -np X-ray Crystallography of AUH protein in complex with AU-rich element RNA Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 1
264 2000B0417-CL -np X-ray crystallography of the cell surface antigen CD38 complexed with ganglioside Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 2
265 2000B0418-CL -np X-ray crystallography of CENP-B in complex with CENP-B box DNA Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 3
266 2000B0420-ND -np Crystal Structure Analysis of Piezoelectrics after Heat Treatment Using High-Resolution X-ray Beam Hiromi Seki Kyocera Corporation Japan BL02B2 3
267 2000B0422-ND -np Powder X-ray Diffraction of Sr2/3La1/3FeO3 under High Pressure Saburo Nasu Osaka University Japan BL04B2 6
268 2000B0423-ND -np Energy Resolved Nuclear Resonance Scattering using a DAC under Ultra-high Pressure Saburo Nasu Osaka University Japan BL09XU 9
269 2000B0424-NS -np Bulk-Sensitive High-Resolution Photoelectron and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of DO3-type(Fe1-xVx)3Al Pseudo-Binary Alloys Kazuo Soda Nagoya University Japan BL25SU 9
270 2000B0425-NL -np Studies of the molecular recognition mechanism in the nuclear transport Hiroaki Sakai Osaka University Japan BL40B2 3
271 2000B0426-NL -np X-ray crystal structure analysis of tyrosine kinases Hiroaki Sakai Osaka University Japan BL41XU 3
272 2000B0427-NL -np X-ray Crystallographic Study of medium chain Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase Ikuko Miyahara Osaka City University Japan BL40B2 2
273 2000B0428-NL -np X-ray crystallographic study of quinone type built-in coenzyme containing amine dehydrogenase Ken Hirotsu Osaka City University Japan BL41XU 3
274 2000B0429-CL -np X-ray Crystal Structure Determination of Thermosome from Hyperthemophilic Archaea Kunio Miki Kyoto University Japan BL41XU 3
275 2000B0435-NL -np X-ray scattering and fasta solution mixer Satoshi Takahashi Kyoto University Japan BL45XU 3
276 2000B0437-CD -np Bonding nature of the RE-TM Laves phase compound associated with magnetic phase transitions. Yoshiki Kubota Osaka Women's University Japan BL02B2 6
277 2000B0438-NS -np Temperature-Dependent High-Resolution Yb 4f Photoemission Spectra of YbInCu4 Hitoshi Sato Hiroshima University Japan BL25SU 6
278 2000B0439-NS -np Soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of NiAs type Cr chalcogenides Akio Kimura Hiroshima University Japan BL25SU 6
279 2000B0440-ND -np Precise structure study of (LaxRE1-x)4BaCu2O10 Hiroshi Ikuta Nagoya University Japan BL02B2 6
280 2000B0442-ND -np Evaluation of the Quality of Metal Protein Crystals b X-ray Topography Mitsuo Ataka National Institute of Bioscience and Human-Technology,Agency of Industrial Science and Technology Japan BL28B2 12
281 2000B0443-ND -np Quantitative measurement of coherent and incoherent contribution in nuclear resonant excitation process in 57Fe film Tatsuo Okano The University of Tokyo Japan BL09XU 12
282 2000B0444-ND -np High resolution crystal structure analysis of cobaloxime micro crystals by short wavelength X-ray Hidehiro Uekusa Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL04B2 6
283 2000B0447-ND -np Determination of the stability field of hydrous silicate phases in the deep mantle conditions Eiji Ohtani Tohoku University Japan BL04B1 9
284 2000B0449-NL -np X-ray crystallography of vesicular assembly of light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex Tsutomu Kouyama Nagoya University Japan BL40B2 3
285 2000B0450-NL -np Crystal structure analysis of light harvesting chlorophyll a.b protein complex Tsutomu Kouyama Nagoya University Japan BL41XU 2
286 2000B0451-ND -np Low Temperature Laue Topography of Structural Phase Transitions of Strontium Titanate Toru Ozaki Hiroshima Institute of Technology Japan BL28B2 18
287 2000B0452-ND -np Structure and fluctuation of liquid divalent metals at high temperature Shin'ichi Takeda Kyushu University Japan BL04B1 9
288 2000B0455-ND -np In situ Structural Study of Self-Assembled Monolayers by Surface X-ray Scattering Kohei Uosaki Hokkaido University Japan BL14B1 9
289 2000B0456-NM -np Measurements for ultra rapid X-ray crystal structure analysis using MicrStrip Gas Chamber Astuhiko Ochi Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL46XU 9
290 2000B0457-ND -np Structural Study of Ge Quantum Dots on Si(001) by Pure Measurement of Multiple Energy X-ray Holography Toshio Takahashi The University of Tokyo Japan BL09XU 21
291 2000B0458-NSD -np Elastic and Inelastic nuclear resonant scattering of CuFeS2 under high pressure Hisao Kobayashi Tohoku University Japan BL09XU 6
292 2000B0461-NX -np Secondary fluorescness XAFS Tsunehiro Tanaka Kyoto University Japan BL01B1 3
293 2000B0462-COM -np A study of 3-dimensional structure of melt and void in rocks by an XTM Tsukasa Nakano Geological Survey of Japan Japan BL20B2 6
294 2000B0463-NML -np 3 by 6 arrayed CCD-based X-ray detector with high brilliance and high intensity X-ray. Yoshiyuki Amemiya The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 9
295 2000B0464-NOM -p Study of X-ray Scintillater Katsuhiko Suzuki Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. Japan BL20B2 2
296 2000B0465-CL -np Crystal Structure Analysis of Biphenyl dioxygenase Toshiya Senda Nagaoka University of Technology Japan BL40B2 3
297 2000B0466-NL -np Crystal structure analysis of an autoregulator-receptor protein in Streptomyces. sp. Toshiya Senda Nagaoka University of Technology Japan BL40B2 3
298 2000B0467-CX -np Local structure of Pd, Rh-ion exchanged silicoaluminophosphate (Pd, Rh-SAOP-5) using XAFS analysis Hiroyasu Nishiguchi Oita University Japan BL01B1 3
299 2000B0469-CL -np Structural fluctuations and membrane undulations in complex fluids involving amphiphiles Takayoshi Takeda Hiroshima University Japan BL40B2 6
300 2000B0470-NM -np Development and application of new X-ray fluorescence for two-dimensional analysis of earth and planetary materials using high energy X-ray Izumi Nakai Science University of Tokyo Japan BL08W 9