S/N |
Proposal Number |
Title of Experiment |
Project Leader |
Affiliation |
Country |
Beamline |
Shifts |
351 |
2000B0562-ND -np |
Structure refinements of spin ladder compounds SrCu2O3 and Sr2Cu3O5 under high pressure |
Masaki Azuma |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
BL04B2 |
6 |
352 |
2000B0563-ND -np |
In-situ observation of the formation and the crystal growth of high Tc superconductors and spin ladder compounds stabilized at high pressure |
Masaki Azuma |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
BL14B1 |
6 |
353 |
2000B0564-NS -np |
Study on nuclear motions in the core-excited status of triatomic molecules by use of ultrahigh-resolution resonant Auger electron spectroscopy |
Kiyoshi Ueda |
Tohoku University |
Japan |
BL27SU |
18 |
354 |
2000B0565-ND -np |
X-ray Scattering Topographic Observation for GaN on GaAs using Micro beam |
Yoshifumi Suzuki |
Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Japan |
BL28B2 |
12 |
355 |
2000B0567-ND -np |
Tomographic observation of structure of rubber composite materials by means of X-ray refraction effect |
Yoshinori Chikaura |
Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Japan |
BL20B2 |
3 |
356 |
2000B0568-NM -np |
Development of SR-Microbeam Shaping and the Scanning with high Energy White Spectrum for Scattering Topography |
Yoshinori Chikaura |
Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Japan |
BL28B2 |
9 |
357 |
2000B0569-NM -np |
Topographic study on structural relaxation in Fe-Si, GaAs, ZnSe anf ZnTe cystals at high temperature |
Yoshinori Chikaura |
Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Japan |
BL28B2 |
6 |
358 |
2000B0570-CDL -np |
Investigation of re-orientation for nylon 6 on iodine-doping |
Akio Kawaguchi |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
BL45XU |
3 |
359 |
2000B0572-ND -np |
Accurate Single Crystal X-ray Structure Analyses of Heavy-metal Clusters Using High Energy X-Rays |
Tomoji Ozeki |
Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Japan |
BL04B2 |
12 |
360 |
2000B0573-ND -np |
Low Temperature phase transition in Ca doped SrTiO3 |
Brendan J Kennedy |
The University of Sydney |
Australia |
BL02B2 |
9 |
361 |
2000B0574-CS -np |
Study of high-resolution, transient and far-infrared absorption spectroscopy in slowly varying systems. |
Yasuhiro Kondo |
Tohoku University |
Japan |
BL43IR |
10 |
362 |
2000B0575-CS -np |
Measurement on the spectral resolution snd its wavelength-dependence of the microscectroscope of Bl43IR. |
Yasuhiro Kondo |
Tohoku University |
Japan |
BL43IR |
7 |
363 |
2000B0576-CL -np |
Development of Medical Diagnostic system Using Synchrotron Radiation |
Chikao Uyama |
Hiroshima International University |
Japan |
BL20B2 |
6 |
364 |
2000B0578-NS -np |
Seperation of Spin- and Orbital-moments in DyCo5 single crystal by soft x-ray MCD |
Tetsuya Nakamura |
Japan |
BL25SU |
6 |
365 |
2000B0579-CD -np |
Characterization and Determination of the Structure of the lattice Defects in Organic Crystals by Laue Topography |
kunihide izumi |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
BL28B2 |
18 |
366 |
2000B0580-NX -np |
Chemical states of lead in fly ash |
Masayasu Nagoshi |
NKK Corporation |
Japan |
BL01B1 |
3 |
367 |
2000B0581-ND -np |
Pressure calibration at high temperatures |
Yingwei Fei |
Carnegie Institution of Washington |
BL04B1 |
9 |
368 |
2000B0583-LD -np |
Studies on Static and dynamic structures of metallic fluids in the supercritical region |
Kozaburo Tamura |
Hiroshima University |
Japan |
BL04B2 |
30 |
369 |
2000B0584-UL -p |
Takayoshi Kinoshita |
Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. |
Japan |
BL40B2 |
1 |
370 |
2000B0585-UL -p |
Susumu Itoh |
Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. |
Japan |
BL40B2 |
1 |
371 |
2000B0586-UOM -np |
An attempt to change the half lives of β -decay nuclides |
Hiroshi Baba |
Osaka University |
Japan |
BL08W |
12 |
372 |
2000B0587-UL -np |
High resolution data collection for colicin E7, E2, Fis mutants and glucanase |
Shiao-Han Hannna Yuan |
Institute of Molecular Biology |
Taiwan, ROC |
BL41XU |
6 |
373 |
2000B0590-UL -np |
Structural study on a reductoisomerase from Escherichia coli |
Shunsuke Yajima |
Tokyo University of Agrigulture |
Japan |
BL41XU |
3 |
374 |
2000B0592-UL -np |
Crystal structure analysis of cell division inhibitor MinD by MAD method |
Min Yao |
Hokkaido University |
Japan |
BL41XU |
3 |
375 |
2000B0593-UL -np |
Structure analysis of fluctose-16-bisphosphatase I (FBPase-1) by MAD method using Se-Met derivative |
Toshiji Tada |
Osaka Prefectural University |
Japan |
BL41XU |
2 |
376 |
2000B0594-UL -np |
Structure analysis of catalase-peroxidase at high resolution |
Toshiji Tada |
Osaka Prefectural University |
Japan |
BL41XU |
1 |
377 |
2000B0595-UL -np |
Protein Crystallographic study of the 32K fragment of the flagellar hook protein |
Katsumi Imada |
Japan Science and Technology Corporation |
Japan |
BL41XU |
3 |
378 |
2000B0596-UL -np |
High-resolution structure analysis of prokaryotic ribosomal protein L5 and rRNA complex |
Min Yao |
Hokkaido University |
Japan |
BL41XU |
3 |
379 |
2000B0597-UL -np |
Characterization of crystals of -glutamylcysteine synthetase mutant for MAD analysis |
Takao Hibi |
Fukui Prefectural University |
Japan |
BL41XU |
0.375 |
380 |
2000B0599-UL -np |
Crystal structure analysis of isopropylmalate isomerase by MAD method |
Min Yao |
Hokkaido University |
Japan |
BL41XU |
2.625 |
381 |
2000B0601-UL -np |
DNA cleavage reaction mechanism analysis based on the complex structure between antitumor bleomycin and DNA |
Osamu Matsumoto |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
BL41XU |
3 |
382 |
2000B0602-UL -np |
X-ray crystallography of Thermus thermophilus RNA polymerase |
Shun-ichi Sekine |
Japan |
BL41XU |
3 |
383 |
2000B0606-UL -np |
X-ray Crystallography of the complex of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and EGF receptor |
Osamu Nureki |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
BL41XU |
3 |