SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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List of General/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals 2002B in the second half of 2002 (1/9)

S/N Proposal Number Title of experiment Project Leader Affiliation Country Beamline Shift
1 2002B0001-ND1-np Phase Transitions in ABi4Ti4O15 Brendan James Kennedy The University of Sydney Australia BL02B2 6
2 2002B0003-LD1-np Investigation on photoninduced phenomena by means of SR X-ray powder diffraction under photoirradiation Yutaka Moritomo Nagoya University Japan BL02B2 36
3 2002B0004-ND2-np Structural analysis and pressure-induced phase transition in Mn3O4 Yutaka Moritomo Nagoya University Japan BL10XU 6
4 2002B0007-ND2-np Direct Observation of H2O Fluids Coexisting With Mantle Minerals Under High Temperature and Pressure Conditions Tatsuhiko Kawamoto Kyoto University Japan BL04B2 9
5 2002B0009-NL1-np X-ray Crystallographic studies on FtsH metalloprotease Kousuke Morikawa Biomolecular Engineering Research Institute Japan BL41XU 6
6 2002B0013-ND1-np Electron density distribution and interatomic force of MgTO3(T:Si,Ti,Ge)ilmenite and perovskite by single crystal diffraction study at high pressures over 30GPa Takamitsu Yamanaka Osaka University Japan BL02B1 15
7 2002B0014-ND2-np Refinement of the crystal structure of diaspore (a-AlOOH) and goethite (a-FeOOH) under high pressure Takaya Nagai Osaka University Japan BL04B2 6
8 2002B0015-ND2-np EOS study of MgCO3 Takaya Nagai Osaka University Japan BL10XU 6
9 2002B0017-NL1-np Understanding of the reaction mechanisms of Heme oxygenase based on X-ray crystallographic studies Masaki Unno Tohoku University Japan BL41XU 3
10 2002B0018-CD2-np Development of thermal conductivity measurement at high P-T using SR as heat source Masami Kanzaki Okayama University Japan BL04B1 3
11 2002B0019-NL2-np Dynamic Observations of Individual Protein Molecules Yuji Sasaki JASRI Japan BL44B2 30
12 2002B0022-NL2-np Analysis of relation between crossbridge dynamics and process of isomovolumic pressure development in beating rat left ventricle Fumihiko Kajiya Okayama University Japan BL40XU 6
13 2002B0032-NL1-np X-ray crystallography of the complex of tRNA and CCA-adding enzyme that repairs the 3ユCCA terminus of tRNA Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 6
14 2002B0037-NL1-np X-ray crystallography of TyrRS・tRNA・tyrosine complex and the complex of TyrRS mutants・tRNA・non-natural amino acid Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 6
15 2002B0039-NL1-np X-ray crystallography of archaeal tRNA-guanine transglycsylase complexed with tRNA Osamu Nureki The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 3
16 2002B0040-NL2-np Structural Formation of Natural Rubber and/or Plastic Film during drawing by In-site (real time) X-ray Diffraction Method using a Synchrotron Syozo Murakami Kyoto University Japan BL40B2 6
17 2002B0041-NS1-np Far-infrared study on metal-insulator-superconductor transitions of organic conductor BEDT-TTF coordination Shin-ichi Kimura Institute for Molecular Science Japan BL43IR 16
18 2002B0042-NS1-np IR spectroscopic stud of the behavior of H2O molecules during quartz-coesite phase transition Keiji Shinoda Osaka City University Japan BL43IR 12
19 2002B0043-ND1-np Synchrotron X-ray diffraction study on metal-insulator transition in BaVS3 Toshiya Inami JAERI Japan BL02B2 3
20 2002B0044-CD2-np Examination of the new large-volume high P-T in situ X-ray diffraction system SPEED-Mk II Tomoo Katsura Okayama University Japan BL04B1 18
21 2002B0045-ND2-np Phase equilibria of peridotite under lower mantle conditions 3 Eiji Ito Okayama University Japan BL04B1 12
22 2002B0046-NL1-np Crystal structure analysis of a-synuclein Toshiya Senda AIST Japan BL41XU 3
23 2002B0047-ND2-np High Pressure X-ray diffraction of the light materials by using the diamond gasket Yoshihisa Mori Okayama Unibersity of Science Japan BL10XU 3
24 2002B0051-NL1-np Structural Study of Collagen-Model Peptides with Recognition Site by Molecular Shaperone Kenji Okuyama Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Japan BL40B2 1
25 2002B0052-NL1-np Structure Analyses of Host/Guest Peptides with Hydrophobic Residue in a Guest Triplet Kenji Okuyama Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Japan BL40B2 2
26 2002B0053-NM-np Absolute measurement of extremely high intense photon using calorimeter Yoshihiro Asano JAERI Japan BL40XU 12
27 2002B0054-NM-np Measurement of absolute Intensity for high energy photon using calorimeter Yoshihiro Asano JAERI Japan BL08W 9
28 2002B0055-NL1-np Crystal structure analysis of Thermotoga maritima HtrA, an ATP-independent heat shock protease, and its inhibitor complexes Kyeong Kyu Kim Sungkyunkwan University Korea BL41XU 6
29 2002B0060-CS1-np Studies on Electronic Structure of YbXCu4(M=In,Ga,Mg,Zn,Sn) by means of High-Resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy Hitoshi Sato Hiroshima University Japan BL25SU 6
30 2002B0065-ND2-np Three-dimensional distribution of inclsions in metamorphic plagioclase using X-ray microtomography. Akira Tsuchiyama Osaka University Japan BL20B2 6
31 2002B0066-ND2-np Confirmation of metallic iron-iron sulfide chondrule hypothesis using a low-metamorphic grade chondrite with X-ray microtomography Akira Tsuchiyama Osaka University Japan BL20B2 6
32 2002B0067-NM-np A study of quantitative relation between CT-values and linear attenuation coefficients in a high spatial resolution X-ray CT system at BL47XU Akira Tsuchiyama Osaka University Japan BL47XU 6
33 2002B0070-ND1-np The structural analysis of (CH3)4NF・mHF and NH4・mHF using high-energy X-ray diffraction Akimasa Tasaka Doshisha University Japan BL04B2 9
34 2002B0073-CD2-np In-situ strength measurements on the mantle minerals at upper mantle conditions Hiroyuki Kagi The University of Tokyo Japan BL04B1 6
35 2002B0074-NL1-np Structural Studies on Blys and Baff-R complex Jie-Oh Lee Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea BL41XU 3
36 2002B0075-NL2-np Evaluation of bone metabolism by assessing 3D trabecular microarchitecture and mineralization Masako Ito Nagasaki University Japan BL20B2 6
37 2002B0077-NM-p Trace Elemental Analysis Using SR-XRF Yasuhiro Suzuki NRIPS Japan BL08W 3
38 2002B0080-CD2-np Structure of hydrous magnesian silicate liquid under high pressure Toru Inoue Ehime University Japan BL04B1 6
39 2002B0081-NL1-np Structural basis for primer RNA synthesis initiation by DNA primase Nobutoshi Ito RIKEN Japan BL41XU 2
40 2002B0082-NL1-np Crystal Structure Analysis of Human Transcription Faction ⅡE Katsuhiko Kamada RIKEN Japan BL41XU 1
41 2002B0083-NL1-np Crystal Structure Analysis of Bacterial Programmed Cell Death System-related Protein Katsuhiko Kamada RIKEN Japan BL41XU 3
42 2002B0085-NS1-np Evaluation of the alternated light inlet of the IR surface science station Taro Moriwaki JASRI Japan BL43IR 12
43 2002B0087-ND2-np Viscosities of peridotite liquids at high pressure Bettina Schmickler Universitaet Bayreuth Germany BL04B1 15
44 2002B0089-CS2-np High-resolution measurement of angle dependence of L x-ray in photoionization Hitoshi Yamaoka RIKEN Japan BL46XU 15
45 2002B0102-ND3-np Mesoscopic-range strain field under SiO2/Si interface by using phase-sensitive X-ray diffraction technique Wataru Yashiro AIST Japan BL09XU 21
46 2002B0104-NS1-np Bulk Photoemission on Magnetite (Fe3O4) and on Quasi-Onedimensional Organic Conductors Ralph Claessen University of Augsburg Germany BL25SU 9
47 2002B0107-NL2-np X-ray diffraction analysis of beating heart in situ Naoki Nishiura NCVC Japan BL40XU 6
48 2002B0108-NS1-np Bulk Electronic Structures of Al-Ni-Co and Zn-Mg-Sc Single Quasicrystals Kazuo Soda Nagoya University Japan BL25SU 14
49 2002B0109-ND3-np In situ Measurements of Magnetic Compton Scattering on Ni hydrides Masuhiro Yamaguchi Yokohama National University Japan BL08W 12
50 2002B0110-ND3-np Study of the electronic structure of the VHx hydrides by Compton Scatterin Isao Yamamoto Yokohama National University Japan BL08W 21