SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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List of General/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals 2003A in the first half of 2003 (5/10)

S/N Proposal Number Title of experiment Project Leader Affiliation Country Beamline Shift
201 2003A0325-ND1-np Amorphous-amorhous transformation of amorphous nano-sized silica particles: a high energy x-ray diffraction study Takashi Uchino Kobe University Japan BL04B2 9
202 2003A0326-ND1-np Analyses of thermal phase transition processes of acylurea derivative crystais by temperature resolved measurements Daisuke Hashizume RIKEN Japan BL02B2 6
203 2003A0327-ND1-np Direct Observation of pp-dp Interaction in Iron-Porphyrin Complex Isomers by Experimental Electron density Distribution Analyses Daisuke Hashizume RIKEN Japan BL04B2 9
204 2003A0329-ND3-np Measurement of the fermi surface of the PdHx hydride by compton scattering Isao Yamamoto Yokohama National University Japan BL08W 21
205 2003A0330-ND3-np Magnetic Compton Scattering on the YCo3 hydrides Masuhiro Yamaguchi Yokohama National University Japan BL08W 12
206 2003A0333-NS2-np Investigation of the relation of allergy and oxidative damage by metallic elements using SR micro beam Ari Ide Kyoto University Japan BL37XU 6
207 2003A0336-NL2-np Study on cell membrane complex structure in a hair using micro x-ray beam with high flux Ichiro Hatta Fukui University of Technology Japan BL40XU 16
208 2003A0337-NDL2-np Study on the relationship between the higher-order structure and properties of polymeric materials "rubbers and elastomers" Yuko Ikeda Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan BL40B2 3
209 2003A0338-CD2-np Structure of hydrous magnesian silicate liquid under high pressure Toru Inoue Ehime University Japan BL04B1 12
210 2003A0339-NX-np Study on local structures around impurity atoms electrochemically doped in room temperature ferromagnetic zinc oxide semiconducting films Masanobu Izaki Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute Japan BL38B1 6
211 2003A0340-NL2-np Observation of the form factor using ASAXS and clarification of the mechanism of the structural formation in the complex fluid system Takayoshi Takeda Hiroshima University Japan BL40B2 6
212 2003A0341-ND2-np In-situ observation of quartz single crystal at high P-T by X-ray topography Masami Kanzaki Okayama University Japan BL04B1 6
213 2003A0342-NL1-np Crystal structure analysis of light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex Tsutomu Kouyama Nagoya University Japan BL41XU 1
214 2003A0343-NL1-np X-ray crystallography of the KL and L intermediate of bacteriorhodopsin Tsutomu Kouyama Nagoya University Japan BL40B2 1.5
215 2003A0345-NL1-np X-ray crystallographic study of archaerhodopsin Tsutomu Kouyama Nagoya University Japan BL40B2 1.5
216 2003A0346-NX-np A local structure study of Ga-Sb alloy for phase change material as the memory media by XAFS Noriyuki Iwata Ricoh Company, Ltd. Japan BL01B1 6
217 2003A0348-NL1-np Crystal structure analysis of a-xylosidase(XYLS)from Escherichia coli by MAD method Min Yao Hokkaido University Japan BL41XU 3
218 2003A0349-NL1-np Crystal structure analysis of the archaeal peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase of FKBP type Min Yao Hokkaido University Japan BL41XU 3
219 2003A0350-ND2-np In-situ Observation of Shear Stress Effect on Prressure-induced Phase Transition of KCI Ichimin Shirotani Muroran Institute of Technology Japan BL10XU 3
220 2003A0351-ND2-np Equation of state for Cs-VI Kenichi Takemura National Institute for Materials Science Japan BL10XU 6
221 2003A0352-NM-np Non Destructive Imaging of Internal Structure of Fossils and Search for Origin of Multicell Life Masami Ando High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Japan BL47XU 6
222 2003A0353-NL2-np Development of Barly Screening System for Breast Cancer with High Imaging Cont Masami Ando High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Japan BL20B2 12
223 2003A0354-NL2-np Location of dolichol in phospatidylcholine bilayers Hiroshi Takahashi Kumamoto University Japan BL40B2 6
224 2003A0355-NL2-np Attempt to detect the solidification of fat in living fly body by x-ray diffraction Hiroshi Takahashi Kumamoto University Japan BL40B2 3
225 2003A0357-ND3-np IXS study of secondary modes in the high frequency dynamics of liquid Gallium. Tullio Scopigno Universita' Roma Sapienza ITALY BL35XU 15
226 2003A0361-ND3-np Structure of undercooled molten semiconductors Masahito Watanabe Gakushuin University Japan BL11XU 6
227 2003A0362-ND3-np Clustering in undercooled liquid metals and molten semiconductors Masahito Watanabe Gakushuin University Japan BL11XU 6
228 2003A0363-NDL2-np In-situ observation of flow-induced structures of polymer solutions by synchrotron radiation Hiroki Murase TOYOBO Reserach Center Co.,Ltd. Japan BL40B2 6
229 2003A0364-CX-np Phase transformation of a Gd-Co system in the solid state diffusion reaction Ikuo Nakai Tottori University Japan BL01B1 12
230 2003A0365-NS2-np Relation between atomic magnetism and magnetovolume effects in ferrimagnetic GdCo2 Ikuo Nakai Tottori University Japan BL39XU 15
231 2003A0368-NMS1-np Development of three dimensional momentum imaging measurement apparatus using ultra-fast TDC system Norio Saito National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan BL27SU 18
232 2003A0369-NI-np Study on zinc structure in the dentine treated with zinc oxide Tsutomu Takatsuka Sunstar Inc. Japan BL19B2 6
233 2003A0370-NL2-np Dynamic cerebral microcirculatory changes of focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion using monocromatized x-ray Motohisa Ohkawa Kawasaki Medical School Japan BL20B2 9
234 2003A0373-NL2-np Study on dynamical hierarchical structures in bio materials and soft materials by using time-resolvd ultra small angle X-ray scattering Mikihito Takenaka Kyoto University Japan BL20XU 21
235 2003A0374-NL2-np Study on viscoelastic effects on dynamics of concentration fluctuations in diblock copolymers Mikihito Takenaka Kyoto University Japan BL45XU 9
236 2003A0376-NL2-np In vivo observation of neovascular vessels in rat brain tumor: Comparison of dilation potential with normal cerebral vessels Takeshi Kondo Kobe University Japan BL20B2 9
237 2003A0378-ND1-np Charge density analysis of hydrogen in metal hydrides Tatsuo Noritake Toyota Central R&D Laboratories, Inc. Japan BL02B2 3
238 2003A0379-NI-np Lattice Strain Analysis of Multi-Layered Films of Hydrogen Storage Alloys under Hydrogen atmosphere Shin-ichi Towata Toyota Central R&D Laboratories, Inc. Japan BL19B2 9
239 2003A0380-NS1-np soft X-ray-induced chemical evolution of amino acids and peptides in solid state Kazumichi Nakagawa Kobe University Japan BL23SU 18
240 2003A0382-ND1-np Surface X-ray structure analysis of reaction products formed by water and Ni(111)-2x2-O or NiO(111)/Ni(111) surfaces Masatoki Ito Keio University Japan BL13XU 12
241 2003A0383-NL1-np X-ray crystallography of the single-headed motor, KIF1A Nobutaka Hirokawa The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 6
242 2003A0385-NL2-np Effects of administration of angiogenesis-related factors on tumor microvascular structure and radiosensitivity: Special reference to dynamic contrast enhanced analysis using SPring-8 Ryouji Tokiya Kawasaki Medical School Japan BL20B2 12
243 2003A0389-ND3-np Measurement of residual stress distribution in a microscopical area on Ti-6AI-4V alloy Yukitaka Murakami Kyushu University Japan BL09XU 12
244 2003A0395-ND1-np Crystalline phase transition behavior of a mesogen with a perfluorooctyl chain studied by temperature-variable crystal structure analysis Kayako Hori Ochanomizu University Japan BL04B2 9
245 2003A0397-ND1-np A kinetic study on crystallization processes of mesogenic 4-cyano-4'-heptyloxybiphenyl and 4-cyano-4'-octyloxybiphenyl Kayako Hori Ochanomizu University Japan BL02B2 3
246 2003A0400-ND1-np Analysis of the pertubation to the polyoxometalate framework structure caused by metal-atom substitutions using high energy X-ray single crystal diffraction Tomoji Ozeki Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL04B2 18
247 2003A0407-NL2-np Application of synchrotron X-ray refraction imaging to bone disease and quantitative image analysis Koichi Mori Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences Japan BL20B2 3
248 2003A0409-ND1-np X-ray diffraction study for magnetite and related iron compounds in the teeth of marine mollusca Chiya Numako The University of Tokushima Japan BL02B2 3
249 2003A0410-NL1-np Crystallographic study of polyguluronate lyase Yoshimitsu Kakuta Kyushu University Japan BL38B1 6
250 2003A0416-CL2-np Effect of the phosphorylation of myosin light chain on the structure of myosin filament Maki Yamaguchi The Jikei University School of Medicine Japan BL45XU 8