User Procedures
This page will provide a brief overview of SPring-8 proposal procedures. For details, please click here.
Introduction - SPring-8 can serve your needs.
What would you like to study using SPring-8? Let’s find examples of research conducted at SPring-8 in the past. You can conduct searches by using various keywords, such as the names of experimental samples, measurement methods, or industrial fields. Please narrow your search to equipment (beamlines) referring to similar cases of measurement.
The collection of examples shows research examples that have been carried out at SPring-8 thus far. If there are no similar cases available, please contact the Users Consultation Desk.
User Registration
To perform experiments at the SPring-8, project leaders/applicants and project team members need to have completed user registration and have obtained a user card ID number in advance. For details, please click here.
Proposal Submission
We have two proposal calls per year. Please submit your research proposal in response to the call for proposals online from the User Information website (UI site). For details, please click here.
Proposal Review
Submitted proposals are reviewed and selected by the Proposal Review Committee (PRC) based on the criteria specified for each type of proposal. Then the project leaders/applicants are notified of review results, and beamtime is allocated to approved proposals.
Submission of Required Documents
Users are required to submit all the necessary documents to the SPring-8 Users Office before or on arrival at SPring-8. For details, please click here.
Upon arrival at the SPring-8, please come to the SPring-8 Users Office first to complete check-in procedures. Please note that users are required to watch the Radiation Safety Video on the first visit in each fiscal year (from April 1 to March 31 of the following year). For details click here.
The experimental hall is a shared space where many users, staff, and visitors come and go. Please conduct experiments with due regard for the safety of all persons in the hall. Keep the hallway (3m from the wall) free of obstructions. The hallway is used as the evacuation route in emergencies. Since the experimental hall is not sprinklered, do not bring unnecessary combustible materials into the hall. Eating, drinking, or applying cosmetics in the radiologically controlled areas is strictly prohibited. Never work alone; at least two people should be present during experiment. For details about pre-experiment procedures, please click here.
When leaving SPring-8, please return your user card and glass dosimeter in the return box in the Users Office. For details about the procedures before departure, click here.
Report Submission
Project leaders must prepare an experiment summary report summarizing the analytical results obtained from each experiment performed at SPring-8. (non-proprietary research only). Please login to the UI site and submit it online from the Documents page within 60 days after completion of the experiment. For further details, click here.
Publication of Research Results
From 2011B, for research to be considered non-proprietary, users have to publish their research results obtained through the use of SPring-8 in refereed journals or equivalent (incl. refereed proceedings and dissertations) and register the published works with the Publications Database within three years after the end of the research term. If the proposed research did not result in a publication, please submit a SPring-8 Research Report. As for industrial application proposals, you may submit a corporate technical journal article refereed at your home institution to be regarded as having published your results. For further details, click here.
Press releases are highly recommended for the following research results obtained through the use of the SPring-8:
• research results to appear in such prestigious journals as Nature and Science, Cell, etc.,
• research results to be published in journals highly influential in a particular research discipline, and
• research results leading to applications or commercialization in the research fields which will attract considerable interest from the public such as medicine, environment, drug discovery, and industrial applications or results which have a strong impact and could cause a sensation.
Please contact the Public Relations Office if you produced results that fulfill or may fulfill the conditions above.
If you filed a patent application including the research results obtained through the use of the SPring-8, please send the copy of the "Official Gazette for Patent Application Publications" (the official publication of unexamined patent applications), name of the beamline used and (all) proposal number(s) to the Publications Office when your patent application has been published. If a member of JASRI staff is included in the inventors, there is no need to do so.
For further details, please click here.