(*) Each title on this contents page is linked to a PDF file. |
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Contents |
1 |
1.3MB |
Preface |
5 |
2.1MB |
Editor's Note |
6 |
1.3MB |
Scientific Frontiers |
7 |
2.8MB |
Structural Biology of the Sodium Pump |
8 |
4.3MB |
High-Pressure Research on Superconductivity at SPring-8 |
12 |
2.7MB |
Life Science |
Structural Biology: |
Radiation damage-free structure of photosystem II at 1.95 Å resolution revealed by femtosecond X-ray pulses at SACLA J.-R. Shen, F. Akita and M. Suga |
16 |
1.7MB |
Energy transfer pathways revealed from structural analysis of the plant PSI-LHCI supercomplex M. Suga and J.-R. Shen |
18 |
2.6MB |
Visualization of agonistic and inhibitory DNA recognition by Toll-like receptor 9 T. Shimizu |
20 |
1.6MB |
Crystal structures of the human adiponectin receptors H. Tanabe, T. Yamauchi, T. Kadowaki and S. Yokoyama |
22 |
2.3MB |
Absolute slowness encoded in the circadian clock protein KaiC J. Abe, A. Mukaiyama and S. Akiyama |
24 |
1.2MB |
Crystallography Technique: |
Grease matrix method for serial femtosecond crystallography using XFELs M. Sugahara, E. Nango and S. Iwata |
26 |
1.5MB |
De novo phasing with serial femtosecond crystallography at SACLA T. Nakatsu, K. Yamashita and S. Iwata |
28 |
1.3MB |
Cell Motility: |
X-ray diffraction patterns from flagellar axonemes of Chlamydomonas S. Toba and K. Oiwa |
30 |
2.8MB |
Respiratory Medicine: |
Imaging the airway surface to test Cystic Fibrosis treatments K. Morgan, M. Donnelley, D. Parsons and K. Siu |
32 |
1.3MB |
Dentistry: |
Distribution analyses of trace metallic elements in oral mucosal tissues using high-energy SR-XRF M. Uo |
34 |
2.0MB |
Evolution: |
Structural mouthpart interaction evolved already in the earliest lineages of insects A. Blanke and R. Machida |
36 |
1.3MB |
Physical Science |
Magnetism: |
Ferromagnetically coupled stellated cuboctahedral spin nanocage S. Kang and O. Sato |
38 |
1.7MB |
Imaging and controlling all-in/all-out magnetic domains in pyrochlores S. Tardif |
40 |
2.0MB |
Competition and collaboration between magnetism and superconductivity: Electronic structures of ferromagnetic superconductors UGe2, URhGe, and UCoGe S. Fujimori |
42 |
1.9MB |
Linking phonons in SrFe2As2 to magnetic fluctuations A. Q. R. Baron, N. Murai, T. Fukuda and S. Tajima |
44 |
1.4MB |
Discovery of suboxidic coordinate in high-Tc ferromagnetic semiconductor Co-doped TiO2 W. Hu, K. Hayashi and T. Fukumura |
46 |
1.5MB |
Strongly Correlated System: |
Strongly correlated ground-state orbital symmetry of tetragonal and cubic Yb compounds probed by linear dichroism in angle-resolved core-level photoemission A. Sekiyama, Y. Kanai and S. Imada |
48 |
2.5MB |
Condensed Matter Physics: |
Characterization of local strain in Ge1−x Snx /Ge fine structures by using microdiffraction O. Nakatsuka, S. Ike and S. Zaima |
50 |
2.9MB |
Copper oxide without static Jahn-Teller distortion N. Katayama, H. Sawa and S. Nakatsuji |
52 |
1.6MB |
Site-specific valence atomic orbital characterization by detection of angular-momentum-polarized Auger electrons F. Matsui |
54 |
2.1MB |
Amorphous Material: |
Structure of an extremely fragile liquid S. Kohara and K. Ohara |
56 |
1.5MB |
Liquid Metal: |
Remarkable dispersion of the acoustic mode in liquid Bi linked to Peierls distortion M. Inui, Y. Kajihara, S. Munejiri and A. Q. R. Baron |
58 |
1.1MB |
X-ray Physics: |
Proposal to generate an isolated monocycle X-ray pulse by counteracting the slippage effect in free-electron lasers T. Tanaka |
60 |
1.1MB |
Atomic Physics: |
Nanoplasma formation in rare-gas clusters ignited by intense X-ray free-electron laser pulses from SACLA H. Fukuzawa, T. Tachibana and K. Ueda |
62 |
1.1MB |
Chemical Science |
Fuel Cell Research: |
Surface-regulated Nano-SnO2/Pt3Co/C cathode catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cells prepared by a new Sn deposition method K. Nagasawa, S. Takao and Y. Iwasawa |
64 |
1.3MB |
Battery Research: |
Breakthrough in energy density of lithium ion batteries by spectroscopic X-ray diffraction K. Fukuda, T. Kawaguchi and E. Matsubara |
66 |
1.7MB |
Understanding a battery with high-energy X-ray Compton scattering Y. Sakurai and M. Itou |
68 |
2.0MB |
Nanoscience: |
Ultrathin inorganic molecular nanowires based on transition metal oxide Z. Zhang, T. Murayama, N. Yasuda and W. Ueda |
70 |
1.6MB |
Role of liquid indium in the structural purity of wurtzite InAs nanowires that grow on Si(111) A. Biermanns-Föth, E. Dimakis and U. Pietsch |
72 |
1.6MB |
Bonding and electronic states of boron in silicon nanowires characterized by infrared synchrotron radiation beam N. Fukata, Y. Ikemoto and T. Moriwaki |
74 |
1.9MB |
Molecular Chemistry: |
Direct observation of bond formation in solution with femtosecond X-ray scattering J. G. Kim, H. Ihee and S. Adachi |
76 |
1.5MB |
Fast ortho-para conversion of H2 observed in a coordination nanospace E. Nishibori, T. Kosone and M. Ohba |
78 |
1.6MB |
Visualizing photoinduced intramolecular electron transfer S. E. Canton, K. S. Kjær and M. M. Nielsen |
80 |
1.4MB |
Amorphous Material: |
Melting of Pb charge glass and simultaneous Pb-Cr charge transfer in PbCrO3 as the origin of volume collapse R. Yu and M. Azuma |
82 |
1.9MB |
Organic Thin Film: |
Successful formation of uniform organic thin films of macroscopic size by rational space-filling design Y. Shoji, T. Kajitani and T. Fukushima |
84 |
2.1MB |
Polymer Science: |
Quantitative design of fiber strength by the structural development analysis of PET Y. Ohkoshi |
86 |
1.1MB |
Gas Storage: |
Oxygen storage capability of BaYMn2O5+σ studied by high-temperature X-ray diffraction under precisely controlled oxygen pressures T. Motohashi, Y. Kubota and H. Kageyama |
88 |
2.2MB |
Catalysis: |
Fe4+-based quadruple perovskite catalyst for oxygen evolution reaction I. Yamada and S. Yagi |
90 |
1.6MB |
Surface Reaction: |
Reaction of CO2 on the stepped Cu(997) surface revealed by ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy S. Yamamoto, T. Koitaya and J. Yoshinobu |
92 |
1.1MB |
Cross-coupling Reaction: |
Mechanistic investigation of iron-catalyzed Kumada-Tamao-Corriu-type cross-coupling reactions based on solution-phase XAFS H. Takaya, S. Nakajima and M. Nakamura |
94 |
1.4MB |
Environmental Science: |
Accumulation and distribution of cesium in Egeria densa, a submerged plant E. Harada, Y. Nagakawa and A. Hokura |
96 |
2.2MB |
Chemical forms of cesium in ashes generated from municipal solid waste incineration K. Oshita, K. Shiota and M. Takaoka |
98 |
2.1MB |
Arsenic distribution and speciation around rice roots N. Yamaguchi |
100 |
2.3MB |
Mercury sulfide formation process under mechanochemical reaction using a planetary ball mill N. Fukuda and M. Takaoka |
102 |
1.3MB |
Earth & Planetary Science |
Earth Science: |
Speed of sound in liquid Fe-C alloy under high pressures using inelastic X-ray scattering Y. Nakajima, S. Imada, K. Hirose and A. Q. R. Baron |
104 |
1.3MB |
Magma fracturing and friction: Implications for volcanic eruptions S. Okumura |
106 |
1.4MB |
Grain boundary sliding as the major flow mechanism of Earth's upper mantle T. Ohuchi, T. Irifune and Y. Higo |
108 |
1.3MB |
Planetary Science: |
Curious kinetic behavior in silica polymorphs solves seifertite puzzle in shocked meteorite T. Kubo and T. Kato |
110 |
1.2MB |
Industrial Applications |
Battery Research: |
Analyzing reaction mechanism of Li-ion secondary battery by element-specific in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy and theoretical spectral simulations H. Imai, M. Mogi and K. Kubobuchi |
112 |
1.2MB |
Material Mechanics: |
Scanning three-dimensional X-ray diffraction microscopy for non-destructive observation of plastic deformation in metallic materials Y. Hayashi, Y. Seno and D. Setoyama |
114 |
1.4MB |
Polymer Science: |
Enhancement of out-of-plane mobility in P3HT film: Face-on orientation produced by rubbing D. Kajiya, T. Koganezawa and K. Saitow |
116 |
1.7MB |
Nanoscience: |
Formation of stable self-assembled multilayer palladium nanoparticles for ligand-free coupling reactions N. Hoshiya, S. Shuto and M. Arisawa |
118 |
1.4MB |
Accelerators & Beamlines Frontiers |
120 |
4.5MB |
SPring-8 |
Beam Performance |
121 |
1.4MB |
Controls & Computing |
Development, implementation and operation of MADOCAII middleware for accelerator and beamline control A. Yamashita and T. Matsushita |
122 |
2.3MB |
Beam Performance |
126 |
2.3MB |
New Apparatus, Upgrades & Methodology |
Highly efficient arrival time diagnostics for SACLA T. Sato and M. Yabashi |
128 |
1.4MB |
Experimental platform for serial femtosecond crystallography at SACLA K. Tono, S. Iwata and M. Yabashi |
130 |
1.8MB |
Signal enhancement and Patterson-search phasing for higher-spatial-resolution coherent X-ray diffraction imaging of biological objects Y. Takayama and K. Yonekura |
132 |
2.0MB |
Time-resolved hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy using SACLA: Investigation of space-charge effects induced with optical pump and X-ray probe pulses L.-P. Oloff, K. Rossnagel and M. Oura |
134 |
1.3MB |
Facility Status |
136 |
937KB |
SPring-8 Facility Status |
137 |
1.4MB |
SACLA Facility Status |
146 |
2.0MB |
148 |
1.8MB |
Low energy soft X-ray emission spectrometer at BL-09A in NewSUBARU |
149 |
1.8MB |
Cover |
2.4MB |
Colophon |
782KB |
Back Cover |
2.4MB |
Note: The principal publication(s) concerning each article is indicated with all author's names in italics in the list of references. |