Cover (408 kB) |
Title |
Preface |
SPring-8 Operational results for the Second Research Period |
Proposal List of Public Beamline Experiments in 1998A (620 kB) |
Location of Beamlines |
Contents |
title |
first author |
page |
BL01B1 |
XAFS study on implanted Cu ions in silica glass |
H.Kageyama |
1 |
XAFS Study of the Local Structures in Perovskite-type Solid Oxide Crystal Electrolytes |
T.Yao |
2 |
XAFS Study on the Local Structure Change around Silver in Zeolite.I.Performance Test of BL01B1 toward Ag K-edge Spectrum |
H.Sakane |
3 |
XAFS Studies on Metal Ion Photocatalysts Incorporated within Zeolite Cavities |
H.Yamashita |
4 |
XANES study of mechanically alloyed Y2Ni |
I.Nakai |
5 |
XAFS Study on Electronic Structure in Eu@C60 |
Y.Kubozono |
6 |
XAFS Studies on Pd, Ag Particles Supported on CeO2 |
Y.Matsumura |
7 |
K-edge XAFS of rare earth elements in oxides, carbides and nitrides |
T.Nakagawa |
8 |
General evaluation of XAFS beamline I - XAFS in the high energy region - |
Y.Nishihata |
9 |
XAFS study on liquid Te and I under high temperature and high pressure |
Y.Katayama |
10 |
Wavelength Dpendence of Diamond Detector for X-ray Beam Position Monitor |
H.Aoyagi |
11 |
XAFS analysis of heavy elements in accumulators |
H.Hashimoto |
12 |
Solvation Structures of Iodide Anions in Various Solvents |
I.Watanabe |
13 |
Total-Reflection XAFS of Aqueous Solution Surface |
I.Watanabe |
14 |
Studies on the Structure of Pd Supported on Zeolite by XAFS |
K.Okumura |
15 |
Semiconductor to Metal Transition and Local Structure in Arsenic Tellurides |
T.Miyanaga |
16 |
Structual Analysis of Tin-doped Indium Oxide (ITO) Thin Film by XAFS Spectroscopy |
N.Umesaki |
17 |
Conversion-helium ion yield XAFS at La K-absorption edge |
M.Takahashi |
18 |
Local Structure and Magnetic Property for Hard Magnetic Material Sm2Fe17NX |
H.Kasatani |
19 |
Characterization of BL01B1 |
S.Emura |
20 |
Characterization of specific elements accumulated in marine biomineral |
C.Numako |
21 |
XAFS Analysis for the Local Structures of Noble Metal - Ceria Catalysts |
H.Kanai |
22 |
Analysis of local structure and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of GdCo and GdFe thin filmes |
Y.Fujiwara |
23 |
Local Structure of Erbium Doped Glasses Studied with XAFS Measurements |
K.Haga |
24 |
The Local Structural Analysis of Sb Catalyst in PET polymers |
H.Kobe |
25 |
Evaluation of Energy Resolution of BL01B1 Using XANES Spectra of Various Metal Ions |
T.Tanaka |
26 |
EXAFS Measurements of Nd3+-doped Glasses on the Nd K-edge |
H.Yamaguchi |
27 |
BL02B1 |
Structure Analysis of Sodium Paradodecatungstate on BL02B1 of SPring-8 |
T.Ozeki |
28 |
Precise Crystal Structure Analysis of K3H(SO4)2 by High Energy X-ray Diffraction Method |
H.Kasatani |
29 |
Micro-Crystal Structure Analysis and Its Application to the Strudy of Photo-Induced Structural Change of the Metal Complex |
K.Toriumi |
30 |
Small Crystal Diffraction Experiments on Bicapped C60/gamma-cyclodextrins Complex |
Y.Kai |
31 |
Crystal structural Analysis of the Fullerene Compounds by the Maximum Entropy Method |
E.Nishibori |
32 |
Defect stucture in pure Ni irradiated with iodene ions and electrons |
T.Matsui |
33 |
Powder Deffraction of Chang Disproportionate Perovskite and Layered Pervskite Oxides of CaFeO3 and Sr3Fe2O7-x |
S.Morimoto |
34 |
Structure analysis of a SrTiO3 perovskite single crystal at 3.5GPa using hard x-rays of 30keV |
N.Hirai |
35 |
Development of Electronic Excited State Crystallography by Imaging Plate Detector |
Y.Ozawa |
36 |
High-Resolution Powder Diffraction Experiments at BL02B1 |
H.Toraya |
37 |
Precursor Phenomena on the Ferst-Order Phase Transition in Ferroelastic Compouds II |
Y.Kuroiwa |
38 |
Phase Transition of Hexagonal BaTiO3 |
Y.Noda |
39 |
Lattice Modulaion and Charge Ordering Associated with the Spin Ordering in CeP |
Y.Noda |
40 |
Chrage Ordering in Vanadium Compoud |
Y.Noda |
41 |
Eledtron distribution of hydrogen atom of squaric acid in high pressure phase |
Y.Noda |
42 |
Lattice Modulation and Charge Ordering in La2-xSrxCuO4 (x=1/8) |
Y.Noda |
43 |
Crystal Structure of Polysyntehtic Twinned Phase in A2BX4-type Ferroelectrics |
H.Shigematsu |
44 |
X-ray study of phason strains in Al-Pd-Mn and Al-Ni-Co decagonal quasicrystals |
Y.Matsuo |
45 |
Crystal structure analysis of zeolite using high resolution powder diffraction and anomalous dispersion effect |
Y.Toriumi |
46 |
Precise Measurements of Lattice Parameter Mismatch between gamma and gamma' Phase In Ni Base Alloy |
T.Sakon |
47 |
The Structure of thin tantalum oxides on silicon substrates |
S.Yasuami |
48 |
X-ray Structure Analysis of Host-Guest Organic MicroCrystals |
Y.Takenaka |
49 |
Structural Fluctuation in a Disordered Ternary Alloy |
S.Hashimoto |
50 |
Nature of Atomic Disordering in Relaxor Ferroelectrics of PMN and PSN |
H.H.Chen |
51 |
Single crystal X-ray diffraction of the phase transformation in solid C70 |
T.S.Radhakrishnan |
52 |
Crystal Structure Analysis of a Cobaloxime Complex |
H.Uekusa |
53 |
Highly Accurate Measurement of Electron Density Distribution in Transition-Metal Complexes with SR and Vacuum Camera |
K.Tanaka |
54 |
Structure Determination of Small Crystals of Organic functional Compounds |
M.Yasui |
55 |
BL04B1 |
The Structural Chang near the Semiconductor-Metal Transition in Arsemic Chalcogenides |
H.Endo |
56 |
Olivine to Modified Spinel Phase Boundary in the System (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 |
M.Matsui |
57 |
X-ray Diffraction Measurements for Expanded Fluid Mercury |
K.Tamura |
58 |
X-ray Diffraction Measurements for Expanded Fluid Selenium |
M.Inui |
59 |
In-situ Measurement of Rheology of Silicate Garnet at High Pressure and Temperature Conditions |
J.Ando |
60 |
The determination of the P-T phase diagram of PbZrO3 |
S.Endo |
61 |
In-situ x-ray observation of graphite-diamond transition using catalysts under high pressures and high temperatures |
W.Utsumi |
62 |
Effect of heating on the first sharp diffraction peak for amorphous SiO2 under high pressure |
N.Kitamura |
63 |
In-situ X-ray diffraction study of crystallization process of Nd-Fe-B amorphous alloys under high pressure |
S.Hirosawa |
64 |
Structure of Liquid Tellurium at High atemperatures |
K.Tsuji |
65 |
Structure of Liquid Chalcogen under Pressure |
K.Tsuji |
66 |
Hydrostatic compression of cristobalite(SiO2) using SPEED 1500 |
M.Yamakata |
67 |
In situ X-ray diffraction study on kinetics of decomposition of spinel Mg2SiO4 to periclase MgO and perovskite MgSiO3 |
T.Kubo |
68 |
Establishing equation of state of MgO and MgSiO3 perovskite based on simultaneous measurements of acoustic velocity and density |
A.Yoneda |
69 |
High pressure and high temperature in situ X-ray observation of hydrous wadsleyite, Mg1.75SiO4H0.5 under the condition of the mantle transition zone |
T.Inoue |
70 |
Preliminary results on in situ X-ray observations of the spinel-postspinel transformation in a pyrolite composition |
T.Irifune |
71 |
Precise determination of the phase boundaries among ilmenite, garnet and perovskite structures in MgSiO3 by in situ x-ray observations |
K.Kuroda |
72 |
The precise determination of the reaction from spinel to perovskite and periclase in Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 |
T.Katsura |
73 |
High-pressure and high-temperature in situ X-ray diffraction experiments of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 enstatite and ilmenite |
K.Fujino |
74 |
Structural Analysis of Supercritical Water |
Y.Ohmasa |
75 |
High Pressure and Temperature Phase of ZrO2 |
O.Ohtaka |
76 |
X-Ray Diffraction Experiments on the Fe-FeS Eutectic Melt at 10 GPa |
S.Urakawa |
77 |
In-situ viscosity measurement of NaAlSi3O8 (albite) melt at high pressure |
M.Kanzaki |
78 |
Subsolidus Transition from Wadsleyite (beta Phase) to Spinel (gamma Phase) in the System Mg2SiO4 as a Function of Pressure and Temperature |
M.J.Walter |
79 |
Calibration of cubic anvil cell using sintered diamond |
S.Ono |
81 |
In Situ Observation of the Ilmenite-Perovskite Phase Transformation in Mg2SiO3 Using Synchrotron Radiation |
S.Ono |
82 |
Phase equilibrium study of grossular garmet (Ca3Al2Si3O12) under high pressure and temperature |
T.Yagi |
83 |
Determination of phase transition pressure in GaP |
T.Yagi |
84 |
BL08W |
An Attempt to Change the Half-Lives of beta-Decay Nuclides |
H.Baba |
85 |
Performance of a 100-150 keV Monochromator for High Energy Synchrotron Radiation |
H.Yamaoka |
86 |
Evaluation of 90°-Scattering Magnetic Compton-Profile method with High Energy X-Rays |
M.Seigo |
87 |
Observation of Anisotropic Magnetic Compton Profiles of hcp-Co |
Y.Kakutani |
88 |
Beta-Ce magnetic Compton Profile Measurement by Helicity Switching Method |
N.Hiraoka |
89 |
Orbital distribution of Mn-3d (eg) electrons in the perovskite system La1-xSrxMnO3 |
A.Koizumi |
90 |
High-Energy X-ray Diffraction Experiment on GeO2 Glass |
K.Suzuya |
91 |
BL09XU |
The nuclear resonant scattering beam properties on the various rotation times of the hyper fine field in the magnetic material |
T.Mitsui |
92 |
Development of Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering Technique |
M.Seto |
93 |
X-ray inelastic scattering of Hemoproteins |
T.Harami |
94 |
Surface Structure Analysis of Solid Liquid Interfaces |
M.Nakamura |
95 |
Nuclear forward scattering on andradite at hydrostatic pressures to 43 GPa |
L.Zhang |
96 |
Nuclear Resonant Scattering Study of the Dynamics in Polymer Gels |
K.Hara |
97 |
Structure Analysis of Semiconductor Electrode Surfaces by X-ray Standing Wave Method |
M.Takahasi |
98 |
Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Ferromagnetic Amorphous Ribbon |
S.Nasu |
99 |
Inprovement of sensitivity for detecting strains in silicon using highly collimated x-rays |
Y.Kudo |
100 |
Measurement of Internal Conversion Electrons from Monatomic Layers on Surfaces |
T.Okano |
101 |
Nuclear resonant scattering study of quasicrystal i-AlCuFe |
K.Shibata |
102 |
Preliminary Experiments of Surface and Interface in BL09XU |
S.Nakatani |
103 |
Modulation of CTR Scattering under Bragg Condition |
W.Yashiro |
104 |
A Feasibility Examination of Multiple-Energy X-ray Holography in BL09XU |
S.Nakatani |
105 |
Preliminary Study for the X-ray Standing Wave Analysis of the Electrode/Zirconia (solid state electrolyte ) Interface |
A.Saito |
106 |
High-pressure Mosbauer study of FeS with nuclear forword scattering of synchrotron radiation |
H.Kobayashi |
107 |
Nuclear Resonant Diffraction in Nearly Perfect Synthetic Hematite Crystals Containing Various Contents of 57Fe |
M.Ando |
108 |
Study of vibrational dynamics in transition metal-metalloid, metallic glasses |
A.Gupta |
109 |
Nuclear resonant scattering by the nuclei with high transition energy |
Y.Yoda |
110 |
BL10XU |
Compression behavior of rhodochrosite, MnCO3 |
T.Nagai |
111 |
Structure of Chalcogens under High Pressere |
K.Nagata |
112 |
Structure of Ga2Se3 and GaSe under Hige Pressure |
M.Takumi |
113 |
Structural Studies of Two-Dimensional Ferromagnets A2CuF4 (A=K, Rb, Cs) at High Pressure and Low Temperature |
M.Ishizuka |
114 |
Angular-Dispersive Powder X-ray Diffraction from the High Pressure Phase of Fe2O3 |
S.Morimoto |
115 |
Structural Studies of NbI4 under High Pressure |
H.Kawamura |
116 |
Structural Phase Trasition of Molecular Solid under High Pressure |
H.Kawamura |
117 |
Amorphization from the High-Pressure Phase in III-V Compounds |
K.Tsuji |
118 |
Density of Liquid Se under High Temperature and High Pressure |
Y.Katayama |
119 |
XAFS analysis of optical activation process of Er in Si:Er2O3 thin film |
M.Ishii |
120 |
Crystal Structure Analyses of Solid Oxygen High-Pressure Phases and Research for Molecular Dissociation |
Y.Akahama |
121 |
Electron Density Distribution Analysis of Pressure-Induced s-d Transition of Cesium by MEM |
Y.Ohishi |
122 |
Characterization of the Al-rich phase(s) in the garnet-perovskite phase transformation |
K.Fujino |
123 |
A Sensitive XAFS study using tunable X-ray undulator |
Y.Kuwahara |
124 |
Structure Analysis of Tetrahedral-Molecular Crystal and Amorphous at High Pressure |
N.Hamaya |
125 |
High Pressure Phase transitions in Adamantane |
V.Viswanathan |
126 |
Investigation of pressure induced crystal-crystal phase transformations in alpha-AIPO4 prior to amorphization |
S.M.Sharma |
127 |
Development of Ultra-high Density Solid State Detector Array for Rapid and Sensitive XAFS |
H.Oyanagi |
128 |
Facility for temperature dependent XAFS at BL10XU |
N.L.Saini |
129 |
Development of Polarized XAFS Measurements for Small Single Crystals |
C.Lee |
130 |
Development of control software for fluorescence XAFS measurement |
H.Nagamori |
131 |
BL14B1 |
In situ SXS Study of Electrodeposition Process on Electrode |
K.Uosaki |
132 |
Second Order Phase Transition of FeS under High Pressure and Temperature |
K.Kusaba |
133 |
Development of high pressure and high temperature in situ X-ray diffraction system using Drickamer-type apparatus |
T.Yagi |
134 |
BL25SU |
Behavior of the well-ordered 6H-SiC(000-1) surface in the atmosphere |
H.Sasaki |
135 |
Study on the Magnetism of Gd/Fe and Y/Fe amorphous multilayers via MCD |
Y.Fujiwara |
136 |
MCD Spectrum at Mn L2,3-Edges in Ferromagnetic Mn Compounds |
H.Maruyama |
137 |
Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) in Li doped NiO |
A.Banerjee |
138 |
Tuning of 2-dimensional photoelectron spectrometer |
H.Daimon |
139 |
Soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism of ferromagnetic perovskite Mn oxides |
S.Imada |
140 |
Tuning of 2-dimensional photoelectron spectrometer and SPEED |
H.Daimon |
141 |
High resolution, high energy, resonance photoemission spectroscopy of Kondo Ce compounds |
S.Suga |
142 |
Soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism of transition metal and rare earth compounds |
S.Suga |
143 |
Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) in Li doped NiO. |
A.Banerjee |
144 |
3d --> 4f Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy of CeNi |
R.Jung |
145 |
Characterization of the chemically etched SiC(0001) surfaces by photoelectron spectroscopy |
H.Sasaki |
146 |
Anomalous MCD signal of parapamagnetic CeFe4P12 |
T.Miyahara |
147 |
Photoelectron and Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectra of D O3-related (Fe1-x Vx)3Al Alloys |
K.Soda |
148 |
BL27SU |
Etching of Electronic or Hard Materials |
T.Kanashima |
149 |
Thin film deposition using synchrotron radiation-induced CVD and ablation |
A.Wakahara |
150 |
Perfomance Test of the Resonant Auger Electron Spectrometer for Atoms and Molecules |
I.H.Suzuki |
151 |
Development of the Profile Monitors for Soft X-ray Beamline Using Diamond Detector |
H.Aoyagi |
152 |
Performance Test of a Reflectron-Type Mass Spectrometer for Soft-X-ray Photochemistry |
H.Yoshida |
153 |
Thin Film Deposition, Etching and Micro Fabrication of Electronic Materials |
T.Kanashima |
154 |
BL39XU |
Investigation of Chemical State and Distribution of Metal Ions in Tissues around an Bio-medical Impact |
A.Ektessabi |
155 |
Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of trace elements in bio-environmental samples |
I.Nakai |
156 |
Hard X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Laves Phase Compounds |
M.Mizumaki |
157 |
Magnetic hysteresis of XMCD effect in Gd/Fe sputterd multilayer |
M.Takagaki |
158 |
Effect of Bunch Mode of Storage Ring on X-ray Magnetic Diffraction Experiment |
M.Ito |
159 |
Development of A Monochromatic Beam Method of X-ray Magnetic Diffraction with A Phase Plate and A Linear Polarizer |
M.Ito |
160 |
Atomic image around Zn in GaAs:Zn using multiple energy X-ray holography |
K.Hayashi |
161 |
Analysis of thin films by X-ray scattering at grazing incidence |
K.Sakurai |
162 |
Feasibility tests of Johansson-type X-ray fluorescence spectrometer |
K.Sakurai |
163 |
Detection of trace metals by X-ray fluorescence using total reflection |
K.Sakurai |
164 |
Two dimensional elemental mapping and non-destractive characterization of the elements accumulated in biominerals and related enviomental specimens |
I.Nakai |
165 |
Study of Electronic States in 3d Transition-Metal Oxides by X-Ray Resonance Magnetic Scattering |
K.Namikawa |
166 |
XMCD Spectrum at Pt L2,3-Edges Recprded by Helicity Modulation Technique |
H.Maruyama |
167 |
Multielectron Excitation in 3d -Transition Metal Compounds |
H.Maruyama |
168 |
Preliminary Test of X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy in Gd-Iron Garnet Single Crystal |
H.Maruyama |
169 |
Element Analysis by X-ray Flourescence Imaging with Wolter Mirror |
N.Watanabe |
170 |
ATS Reflection of Magnetite (Fe3O4) |
J.Kokubun |
171 |
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and trace element analysis using an x-ray microprobe |
S.Hayakawa |
172 |
Wavelength despersive x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy using monochromatized x-ray excitation |
S.Hayakawa |
173 |
BL41XU |
Crystal Structure Analysis of Human High-affinity Receptor for IgE.Hirokazu |
H.Nishida |
174 |
Structure determination of ribosomal protein L2 by multiplewavlength anomalous diffraction method |
I.Tanaka |
175 |
The structure determination of yeast 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deaminase by multiple wavelength anomalous dipersion method |
A.Nakagawa |
176 |
X-ray Crystallographic Study of Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase from a Red Alga, Galdieria Partita, with High Specificity Factor |
Y.Kai |
177 |
X-ray Date Collection from Heavy-atom derivative crystals of Streptomyces antibioticus Phosholipase D |
A.Suzuki |
178 |
Structure and function of photosystem I complexes |
K.Satoh |
179 |
X-Ray Crystallographic Study of Thermostable Aspartate Aminotransferase |
K.Hirotsu |
180 |
X-ray Crystallography of Bacteriorhodopsin |
T.Kouyama |
181 |
Cryogenic X-ray Crystallography of Light-Harvesting Complex of Photo System II (LHC-II) |
T.Kouyama |
182 |
Crystal Structure Analysis of Valyl-tRNA Synthetase in a complex with tRNAVal |
O.Nureki |
183 |
Crystal Structure Analysis of Valyl-tRNA Synthetase in a complex with tRNAVal (II) |
O.Nureki |
184 |
X-ray Crystallographic Studies on DNA Repair Enzymes |
K.Fukuyama |
185 |
The crystal structure of fully oxidized cytochrome c oxidase from bovine heart at 2.0 Å resolution |
R.Nakashima |
186 |
Crystallographic Study of G-CSF Receptor Complexed with G-CSF |
M.Aritomi |
187 |
Crystal Structure Analyses of Bovine Rhodopsin |
T.Okada |
188 |
Structure of G-protein couple Receptor (Rhodopsin) |
M.Tsuda |
189 |
Structure of Diol Dehydrase Containing Bitamin B12 Analogue |
N.Shibata |
190 |
SH2/SH3/SH2 composite domains of GAP120 complexed to a diphosphorylated peptide |
E.F.Pai |
191 |
Crystal structure analysis of Hmc |
N.Shibata |
192 |
Collection of X-ray diffraction data from the crystals of Bucillus circulans chitinase D using various X-ray optics |
T.Matsumoto |
193 |
X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis of E.coli Crysteine desulfrase 2 |
Y.Hata |
194 |
Evaluation of Performance of the Bio-Crystallography Beamline by Means of Refinement of High-Resolution Crystal Structure |
M.Fujihashi |
195 |
Studies on Structure-Function Relationship of DNA Replication Control Proteins by Means of X-ray Crystallography |
K.Miki |
196 |
X-ray Structural Analyses for a Series of Mutant Human Lysozymes |
K.Takano |
197 |
Crystal Structure Analysis of Maltooligosyl Trehalose Synthase |
M.Kobayashi |
198 |
Structural basis for the control of antigen-antibody reaction |
Y.Yamagata |
199 |
Time-Resolved Crystal Structure Analysis of Photoreactive Nitlile Hydratase with Large-Angle Oscillation Technique |
Y.Kawano |
200 |
The flexibility of protein molecule in terms of the crystallography of DHFR mutants |
K.Katayanagi |
201 |
MIROAS Crystal Structure Analysis of Aleuria Aurantia Lectin with the Automatic Diffractometer |
M.Kawamoto |
202 |
SIRAS Phase Determination of Pressurized-Xe Protein Crystals with High-Energy X-rays |
Y.Kawano |
203 |
X-ray crystallography of calcium-dependent inhibitory factor |
H.Sasaki |
204 |
Crystal Structure Analysis of Water-Soluble Chlorophyll Protein from Raphanus Sativus var. hortensis |
A.Uchida |
205 |
X-ray Structure Analysis of Hydrogenase at High Resolution |
H.Ogata |
206 |
Crystallographic Study of an electron-transfer complex between Ferredoxin and Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase |
G.Kurisu |
207 |
A new hilium chamber and a long collimator with a four-way guard slit for collecting X-ray diffraction date from very low to high resolution |
K.Hasegawa |
208 |
X-ray crystallographic studies of flagellar HAP2 and F41 fragment |
K.Imada |
209 |
Crystal structure analysis of 20S Proteasome from bovine liver |
M.Unno |
210 |
X-ray fiber diffraction from well oriented sols of native thin filament and F-actin |
T.Oda |
211 |
Structural Studies on Thermal Stabilization of Enzymes |
R.Hirose |
212 |
BL44B2 |
Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction with Rotating Nanocrystal |
Y.Sasaki |
213 |
Extracting Phase Information from Laue Diffraction Data |
Q.Hao |
214 |
Evaluation of Laue diffraction date from the crystal of FMN binding protein |
N.Shibata |
215 |
Analysis of the anisotropic displacement paramenters of the catalytic domain of chitinase A1 from Bacillus circulans |
T.Matsumoto |
216 |
High-Resolution Crystal Structure of Intermediate Liganded State of (alphaFe(II))2(betaMg(II))2 Hybrid Hemoglobin |
S.Park |
217 |
X-ray crystallographic analysis of the evolution of vertebrate hemoglobins |
K.Chong |
218 |
High Resolution Data Collection and Preliminary Laue Diffraction Study of Adenylate Kinase from Sulfolobus solfataricus |
H.Yamaguchi |
219 |
Time Resolved Crystal Structure Analysis of Photoreactive Nitlile Hydratase with Laue Diffraction Technique |
Y.Kawano |
220 |
X-ray crystallographic study of bacteriorhdopsin's reaction intermediates by the time-resolved Laue method |
T.Kouyama |
221 |
BL45XU |
Metal Cluster Labeling of Contractile Proteins in Muscle: Its Application to Small-Angle X-ray Scattering/Diffraction Studies |
H.Iwamoto |
222 |
Test of the Small-angle Beamline for X-ray Diffraction Experiments on Skeltal Muscle |
N.Yagi |
223 |
X-ray Solution Scattering of Biological Supramolecules on an Undulator Radiation Source |
Y.Inoko |
224 |
Effect of molecular architechture on the Flory interaction parameter |
K.Kimishima |
225 |
Characterization about the Structure of Emulsion Particles by Using Small Angle X-ray Scattering(SAXS) Method |
K.Saiga |
226 |
Structural analysis during the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin revealed by time resolved X-ray diffraction |
T.Oka |
227 |
An X-ray diffraction study on rat cardiac muscles |
H.Suga |
228 |
BL47XU |
The Behaviour of Ionization Chambers under the Irradiation of High Flux X-ray Beams |
M.Suzuki |
229 |
Speckle Without The Pinhole |
A.Baron |
230 |
Measurement of the emittance using crystal optics |
Y.Kohmura |
231 |
Evaluation of X-ray Bubble Lens & X-ray Hollow Plastic Ball Lens |
Y.Kohmura |
232 |
Refraction in imaging with parallel X-ray beam for medical use |
K.Yamasaki |
233 |
Feasibility Study on Microimaging with Phase Zone Plates at 6.5keV |
K.Takemoto |
234 |
Characterization of Zone Plate for Focusing X-ray |
H.Miyaji |
235 |
Contact Beamline |
BL24XU |
Development of High Resolution X-ray Imaging by the Refraction Contrast Method |
Y.Tsusaka |
236 |
Evaluation of Biocrystallography Experimental Hutch of Hyogo Beamline (BL24XU) |
Y.Katsuya |
237 |
Observations of Fatigue Cracks in Structural Materials by Refraction Contrast X-ray Imaging |
T.Nakayama |
238 |
Phase Contrast Imaging of Carbon Material |
K.Izumi |
239 |
X-ray diffraction topography of polished silicon surfaces under total reflection conditions |
T.Katoh |
240 |
Observations of pattern-induced strains by plain wave X-ray topography |
K.Tani |
241 |
Refraction imaging with parallel X-ray beam for medical use |
K.Yamasaki |
242 |