List of Proposals
Please see the link for updates.
List 2019A in the first half of 2019
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Feasibility Study Proposals for Industrial Application
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Cross-SR Facility User Proposals for Industrial Application*
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals Using Advanced Technology
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- Epoch-making Initiatives Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with SACLA, J-PARC/MLF or Supercomputers (public computational resource of HPCI including the K computer).
List 2018B in the second half of 2018
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Cross-SR Facility User Proposals for Industrial Application
- Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- Epoch-making Initiatives Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with SACLA, J-PARC/MLF or the K computer.
List 2018A in the first half of 2018
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Cross-SR Facility User Proposals for Industrial Application*
- Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- Epoch-making Initiatives Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with SACLA, J-PARC/MLF or the K computer.
List 2017B in the second half of 2017
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals*
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: New Industrial Area Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- Epoch-making Initiatives Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with SACLA, J-PARC/MLF or the K computer.
List 2017A in the first half of 2017
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: New Industrial Area Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- Epoch-making Initiatives Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with SACLA, J-PARC/MLF or the K computer.
List 2016B in the second half of 2016
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals*
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: New Industrial Area Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals*
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- Epoch-making Initiatives Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with J-PARC/MLF and/or the K computer are included.
List 2016A in the first half of 2016
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals*
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: New Industrial Area Proposals*
- Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- Epoch-making Initiatives Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with J-PARC/MLF and/or the K computer are included.
List 2015B in the second half of 2015
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals*
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: SR Smart Innovation Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: New Industrial Area Proposals*
- Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals*
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- Epoch-making Initiatives Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with J-PARC/MLF and/or the K computer are included.
List 2015A in the first half of 2015
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals*
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: New Industrial Area Proposals*
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Priority Research Proposals: SR Smart Innovation Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with J-PARC/MLF and/or the K computer are included.
List 2014B in the second half of 2014
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals*
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: New Industrial Area Proposals*
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposal
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Services
- Priority Research Proposals: SR Smart Innovation Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with J-PARC/MLF and/or the K computer are included.
List 2014A in the first half of 2014
- General Proposals*
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposal
- Priority Research Proposals: New Industrial Area Proposals*
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aided Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposal
- Priority Research Proposals: Partner User Proposal
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
- Priority Research Proposals: SR Smart Innovation Proposals
* SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with J-PARC/MLF and/or the K computer are included.
List 2013B in the second half of 2013
- General Proposals (The proposals to be carried out through the complementary use of SPring-8 and J-PARC/MLF are included.)
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industry Creation Proposal
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
- Priority Research Proposals: Green/Life Innovation Proposals
List 2013A in the first half of 2013
- General Proposals (The proposals to be carried out through the complementary use of SPring-8 and J-PARC/MLF are included.)
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industry Creation Proposal
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
- Priority Research Proposals: Green/Life Innovation Proposals
List 2012B in the second half of 2012
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industry Creation Proposal
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
- Priority Research Proposals: Green/Life Innovation Proposals
List 2012A in the first half of 2012
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industry Creation Proposal
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
- Priority Research Proposals: Green/Life Innovation Proposals
List 2011B in the second half of 2011
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Affected Facilities Support Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
- Priority Research Proposals: Green/Life Innovation Proposals
List 2011A in the first half of 2011
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Affected Facilities Support Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
List 2010B in the second half of 2010
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
List 2010A in the first half of 2010
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
List 2009B in the second half of 2009
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio EX Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
List 2009A in the first half of 2009
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio EX Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
- SPring-8 Measurement Service
List 2008B in the second half of 2008
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Urgent Proposal
- Time-Designated/ SP8 Measurement Service Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio EX Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
List 2008A in the first half of 2008
- General Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Budding Researchers Support Proposals
- Urgent Proposal
- Time-Designated/ SP8 Measurement Service Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio EX Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
List 2007B in the second half of 2007
- General/Budding Research Suport/Time-Designated /SP8 Measurement Service Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Non-Proprietary Grant-Aid Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- JASRI Strategy Proposals
List 2007A in the first half of 2007
- General/Budding Researchers Support/Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Biology Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanotechnology Support Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Industrial Application Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategic Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategy Proposals
List 2006B in the second half of 2006
- General/Budding Researchers Support/Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanonet Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Protein 500 Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategy Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategic Use Proposals
List 2006A in the first half of 2006
- General/Budding Researchers Support/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanonet Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Protein 500 Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Medical Bio Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategy Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategic Use Proposals
List 2005B in the second half of 2005
- General/Budding Researchers Support/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanonet Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Protein 500 Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategy Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategic Use Proposals
List 2005A in the frst half of 2005
- General/Budding Researchers Support/Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanonet Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Protein 500 Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategy Proposals
List 2004B in the second half of 2004
- General/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanonet Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Protein 500 Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Strategy Proposals
List 2004A in the first half of 2004
- General/Time-Designated Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanonet Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Protein 500 Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
List 2003B in the second half of 2003
- General/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Nanonet Proposals
- Research Proposals in Priority Research Program: Protein 500 Project
- Priority Research Proposals: Trial Use Proposals
- Priority Research Proposals: Power User Proposals
List 2003A in the first half of 2003
- General/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Nanonet Proposals
- Protein 3000 Proposals
- Trial Use Proposals
List 2002B in the second half of 2002
- General/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals
- Long-term Proposals
- Nanonet Proposals
- Protein 3000 Proposals
List 2002A in the first half of 2002
List 2001B in the secont half of 2001
List 2001A in the first half of 2001
List 2000B in the second half of 2000
List 2000A in the first half of 2000
List 1999B in the second half of 1999
List 1999A in the first half of 1999
List 1998A in 1998
List 1997B